Air Mattress: The Huff and Puff Type of Sleep

Air Mattress: The Huff and Puff Type of Sleep

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Last Updated on Feb 17, 2023

In this article:

    Understanding the Scope of an Air Mattress

    Air Mattress: Whether you’re having your friends spend the night in your home, or just searching for a convenient spot to sleep for camping, an airbed can be your best friend.

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    What is an air mattress?

    As the name suggests, an airbed, also known as an air mattress is a lightweight, inflatable bed generally made of fabric, rubber, or a particular type of urethane plastic which can be inflated to be used as a full sized functional bed.

    You don’t need to exercise your lungs to fill this baby up as it typically comes with a built-in pump that electrically pushes the air into or out of bed. Since you can compress it to a portion of its full size, it can make sleeping easier because of its portability and comfortability.

    black air mattress

    So next time when you have guests coming over, ditch the uncomfortable sofa and go for the comfortable airbed. Moreover, if you like sleeping under the stars, the airbed will let you do that in peace without the uncomfortable lumps that will make your camping trip a tale of backaches.

    Best Used for?

    Airbeds can be best used if:

    • If you have guests coming over.
    • Need a spare bed for the guest room at all times but are not really inclined on spending a bomb.
    • Often go camping with friends and families

    The Tale of Airbeds

    The ingenious idea of a mattress filled with air first came through in 1869 by the Mechanical Mfg. However, it was called the ‘Perfection’ air mattress, describing it as ‘10,000 nights of luxury’. It was sold as an adjustable, lightweight mattress that is capable of maintaining its form.

    The air bed that we know of today evolved from the Perfect mattress and finally took form in 1981, but since then, it underwent several changes as well. Portable controllers or apps have entirely replaced manual controls, and contemporary models are more flexible than ever.

    Where can You Buy an Air Mattress?

    It is no wonder that in our fast paced lives, we are looking for quick solutions and an Airbed fits the bill perfectly! So if you want to purchase the right mattress for yourself, you can choose among a broad range of shopping venues in the modern marketplace – through online stores and brick-and-mortar locations.

    A. Online

    If you are not a store enthusiast, there is always an online option. Those who want to skip the lines and purchase a new air mattress online can choose from these two options:

    Direct to Consumer Brands

    Buying a mattress straight from a direct to consumer brand like Nectar can help you save more. Many mattress manufacturers offer live chat apps that allow you to talk directly with their customer service representatives. If you’re buying a mattress directly from the brand, you can also guarantee a full sleep test and protection of the warranty from them.

    Online Retailers

    Online retail sites like Amazon or Ebay offer a large selection of beds, including mattresses from several brands and exclusive models for the site. Some mattress prices may be lower, or at least equal with the brand’s specified price-point.

    Though, if you plan to order through these platforms, you may not be eligible for a sleep trial with the brand. Going through such sites typically does not impact the scope of the warranties as long as the page is an authorized reseller. However, you should still ask for protection coverage.

    B. Brick-and-Mortar Stores

    If you want to, first-hand, understand the nitty gritties of the bed, before buying, you can look at the following brick-and-mortar store options:

    Mattress Specialty Stores

    Generally, these massive brick and mortar shops hold the broadest range of styles of mattresses and bedding products. These may be shops owned by private businesses or part of major chains. When you visit a chain-based specialty store, you may be able to get a new mattress for a lower price. Specialty Mattress shops also offer delivery services and product assembly at your home.

    Big box retailers

    Large retail chains usually have a limited supply of mattresses. Others require buyers to purchase a mattress through their website and then pick it up at the nearest branch. If you are looking for qualified retail staff specializing in mattresses, you may want to visit mattress specialty stores instead.

    Furniture and department stores

    Unlike big-box retailers, larger furniture and department store chains in brick-and-mortar locations will keep a small variety of mattresses. They might or might not have trained sales staff in specializing in mattress sales.

    Using an Air Mattress

    Airbeds are designed to be filled with air using an inflatable bed pump when you want to use the bed. Here’s how you inflate an airbed:

    • With an electric pump – As simple as this method may seem, the electronic pump requires either a battery or electrical power to fill the mattress. With just a single push of the switch button, it can inflate your Airbed quickly. Nevertheless, electric pumps can be noisy, and a lot of people don’t like dealing with the sound. However, it is a small price to pay for convenience.
    • With a built-in pump – Many inflatable beds have in-built pumps in them. These are easy to use and generally involve just removing the cap off and pushing the button to inflate.
    • Without a pump – Luckily, there are other choices if you don’t want to burn money for a pump. Many video guides can be found online, such as using a vacuum cleaner, hairdryer, or even with a garbage bag to fill the mattress. Though, these will take longer and a tad bit more effort. Ingenious but you can crack the code.

    How Much Does an Airbed Cost?

    The price of an air mattress differs according to size, manufacturer, additional features, choices for pumping, and other factors. Prices vary from less than $50 to more than $200. Keep in mind that a higher price does not always mean a better air mattress. Separate pumps typically range from $10 to $20, though some can be more costly depending on pump complexity and pump size.

    What is the Average Lifespan of a Typical Airbed?

    Simply put, the lifespan of a mattress is its ability to retain its structure and usability, without any deliberate external factors and maintain its original comfort and support. According to Sleeplikethedead, airbeds generally have the most extended longevity between 8 – 9 years. Since an Airbed in the guest room isn’t heavily used, it can last way longer than the bed you sleep in every night.


    • Portability – Airbeds were first known for its size and portability. Since its light, the Airbed can be brought quickly to camping sites. It can also be folded and placed in a small container.
    • Good Insulation – Air mattresses aids with a good night’s sleep while outdoors. Since air beds are made of vinyl or rubber, it can keep you warm on cold nights and help you sleep easy.
    • Adjustable Firmness – One of the main benefits of an airbed is its changeable firmness. With that, you can inflate or deflate the amount of air to achieve the rigidity that you like versus the standard bed.
    • Lower Cost – Airbeds are growing to be a popular choice, encouraging companies to reduce their cost.. With higher competition from different types of mattresses, you can find an airbed at really affordable prices.


    • Lengthy Assembly – To assemble an extensive and fixed use of the inflatable mattresses, it can take about 30 to 60 minutes and may need two people.
    • Noisy Pump – Many airbed owners complain about noisy pumps, but typically they are only found in budget brands.
    • Replacing Pumps – Due to the physical design and dependency with price or warranty, you would need to fix your pump if it is defective.
    • Shorter Warranty – Warranties are usually shorter than latex or innerspring warranties, so if a defect occurs in the inflatable bed structure or pump, you may have to pay for it.

    If you are looking for a comfortable, yet affordable mattress, look for Nectar’s Memory Foam mattress. These beds are designed to contour to your body and provide optimal support. What’s more? There are amazing financing capabilities in place.
